A new C2SIM symbol report has been received
Unique symbol identifier of the symbol updated by the report
Updated symbol properies (e.g. new location)
Export current scenario initialization or orders to C2SIM
Scenario name - used by some systems to label the data
Type of content: 'initialization' or 'order'
affiliation: "friend" | "hostile" | "all"Optional 'friend' or 'hostile' affiliation - all if omitted/null
coaPoids: string[]optional Ids of the COAs to export - all if omitted/null
timeout: numberOptional timeout in seconds, 30s default
Formatted transfer data (e.g. C2SIM)
Get plan data formatted for transfer to C2SIM
Scenario name - used by some systems to label the data
Type of content: 'initialization' or 'order'
affiliation: "friend" | "hostile" | "all"Optional 'friend' or 'hostile' affiliation - all if omitted/null
coaPoids: string[]optional Ids of the COAs to export - all if omitted/null
timeout: numberOptional timeout in seconds
Formatted transfer data (e.g. C2SIM)
Pull initialization data from a connected C2SIM server, converting and loading it into the current STP scenario The actual system is determined by the active export/import Connector/bridge that is running as part of the STP Engine in use
timeout: numberOptional timeout in seconds
Push plan data formatted for transfer to C2SIM server The actual system is determined by the active export/inmport Connector/bridge that is running as part of the STP Engine in use
Content to load, formatted as object_set([[element1], [element2], ...])
Type of content: 'initialization' or 'order'
timeout: numberOptional timeout in seconds
Generated using TypeDoc
Stp interface to C2SIM