Interface IC2SIMProxy

Stp interface to C2SIM


  • IC2SIMProxy


onSymbolReport: undefined | ((poid, symbol) => void)

A new C2SIM symbol report has been received


Unique symbol identifier of the symbol updated by the report


Updated symbol properies (e.g. new location)


  • Convert C2SIM content to native STP


    • content: string

      C2SIM-formatted content

    • Optional timeout: number

      Optional timeout in seconds

    Returns Promise<string>

    Stp native content, formatted as object_set([[element1], [element2], ...])

  • Export current scenario initialization or orders to C2SIM


    • name: string

      Scenario name - used by some systems to label the data

    • dataType: "initialization" | "order"

      Type of content: 'initialization' or 'order'

    • Optional affiliation: "friend" | "hostile" | "all"

      Optional 'friend' or 'hostile' affiliation - all if omitted/null

    • Optional coaPoids: string[]

      optional Ids of the COAs to export - all if omitted/null

    • Optional timeout: number

      Optional timeout in seconds, 30s default

    Returns Promise<void>

    Formatted transfer data (e.g. C2SIM)

  • Get plan data formatted for transfer to C2SIM


    • name: string

      Scenario name - used by some systems to label the data

    • dataType: "initialization" | "order"

      Type of content: 'initialization' or 'order'

    • Optional affiliation: "friend" | "hostile" | "all"

      Optional 'friend' or 'hostile' affiliation - all if omitted/null

    • Optional coaPoids: string[]

      optional Ids of the COAs to export - all if omitted/null

    • Optional timeout: number

      Optional timeout in seconds

    Returns Promise<string>

    Formatted transfer data (e.g. C2SIM)

  • Import initialization data from C2SIM


    • Optional timeout: number

      Optional timeout in seconds

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Pull initialization data from a connected C2SIM server, converting and loading it into the current STP scenario The actual system is determined by the active export/import Connector/bridge that is running as part of the STP Engine in use


    • Optional timeout: number

      Optional timeout in seconds

    Returns Promise<string>

  • Push plan data formatted for transfer to C2SIM server The actual system is determined by the active export/inmport Connector/bridge that is running as part of the STP Engine in use


    • content: string

      Content to load, formatted as object_set([[element1], [element2], ...])

    • dataType: "initialization" | "order"

      Type of content: 'initialization' or 'order'

    • Optional timeout: number

      Optional timeout in seconds

    Returns Promise<void>

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